Cargo Systems
Civil and military cargo systems are one of our specialties. The staff of highly qualified permanent and external experts support the development and integration of mechanical, electrical and electronic components including software. AdvanTec also supports the system concept development for conversion of passenger to freighter aircraft.

Cabin Systems
AdvanTec participates in the development of new solutions to increase passenger comfort. We concentrate on individual solutions which are tailored to support a wide range of customers.
An example is the implementation of state-of-the-art technology to reduce energy consumption. Our experts keep an eye on all aspects including mechanical, electrical, integration, interfaces and communication.
We will find appropriate technology for your application, while considering ergonomic aspects and certification requirements. AdvanTec is flexible, reliable and fast – aspects of integration are always part of our consideration.

Camera Systems
AdvanTec applies the concepts of SYSTEMS ENGINEERING across a wide range of projects. Integrated camera solutions, both internal and external, are developed with a focus on customer needs and related aspects.
Actuation Technologies
Electromechanical actuation technology is daily business for us. We support the development of a wide variety of applications within the aircraft, including flight controls, landing gear, cabin systems and cargo systems. This includes actuators with integrated control logics, with or without software.